Recurring payments

Recurring payments

What is it?

Cloud platform with pre-payment scenario enabled can provide end-user option to configure simple rules to automatically top-up their billing account ongoing balance.

In order to be able to enable recurring payments on the platform it needs to support a payment gateway that supports offline payments (platform needs to be able to make payments on behalf of the users without having user online).

Currently recurring payments is supported only with Stripe Gateway using credit card payments.

How to setup/configure recurring payment?

End-user can setup recurring payment under Billing account. Payment method with automatic payment capabilities like credit card has to be added to enable automated top-ups.

Enable recurring payment

After enabling recurring payments, default values for the parameters are set by the platform. End-user can adjust these setting according to preferences. Short description on adjustable settings on below picture:

  1. Threshold for triggering automated top up - automatic payment will be triggered when billing account balance goes below set value.

  2. Amount to charge from credit card when threshold is crossed.

Configurable fields for recurring payments

If automated top up is enabled and conditions for making the payment are already met then the first payment will be made immediately and in a synchronous way.

Failing payments

If payment fails then a notification email is sent to the user. Once every hour the conditions are checked, payment is triggered again every hour if balance is still lower than the configured threshold.

How to disable recurring payments?

Methods for disabling automated top-ups:

  • Disable automated top-up by clicking Disable Automated Top Up button,

  • or, delete all payment methods that can handle automated payments (e.g. credit cards)


  • Admin can modify minimum required top-up amount under Admin → Settings page.