


On the Warren platform, all the resources are priced independently. The user is charged for allocated RAM, CPU count, disk size etc. There is no fixed set price for services such as VM or managed DB. A fundamental billing unit is always defined as resource chunk per hour of usage, e.g. 1 CPU per hour.

All prices in price list are defined without VAT. Each billing account has their own VAT percentage defined that is used to calculate the VAT amount, when needed.

Prices can be changed only for the full month. Previous month prices cannot be changed.


Say the current date is August 4th. Price list for July is fixed and cannot be changed anymore. If prices are now changed from Settings page then the new prices will affect all resource usage starting from the first hour of August. Resource usage and cost is recalculated every hour, during the next recalculation all Ongoing amounts and Current Usage amounts are recalculated according to the new August prices.

Billable products

  • Virtual Machine RAM

  • Virtual Machine CPUs

  • Virtual Machine hard disk (block storage)

  • Disk (block storage) Backup

  • Disk (block storage) Snapshot

  • Floating IP (Assigned and Unassigned)

  • Windows license (per CPU)

  • S3 compatible Object Storage

  • Load balancer

Changing prices

Admin can add or change resource prices on Admin → Settings page. Prices can be changed for the running month. Changing the prices affects all resource usage from the start of the current month. Usage of resources is counted by the hour in UTC time, so billing reports are being generated on change of month by UTC. During the last 24 hours of the month, prices cannot be changed anymore to avoid misinterpretations in end-user billing reports.

Pricing models


A simple one fixed unit price per hour. This can be configured for all products.

Indivisible prices


Some products can have a gradual pricing model. Unit price of the product depends on the item count bought. Products that have a rising bar button have gradual pricing options (see the red arrow in the image below). Clicking on this button enables admin to add new pricing ranges to these products.

Products that support gradual prices

  • VM CPU

  • VM RAM

  • VM block storage

  • VM storage snapshot

  • VM storage backup

Ranges specification

Every price range has a start value defined. The range applies for resource amounts between start value (inclusive) and next range start value (exclusive). Last range does not have a defined end.

For the products that are sold in pieces and can be measured in integers, it is clear: If a range starts with 3 the previous biggest possible value is 2 meaning the previous range ends with 2. This is the case seen in the image above, monthly price 5,26 € per CPU applies to VMs with 1 or 2 CPUs. All VMs with 3 or more CPUs will have a price of 6,98 € per CPU. So, estimated monthly total CPU price for VM with 1 CPU will be 5,26 €, VM with 2 CPUs will be 10,52 € ( = 2 * 5,26), VM with 3 CPUs will be 20,94 € ( = 3 * 6,98) etc.

Some of the products measured in gigabytes can be sold in fractional quantities like 1.5 GiB or 2.75 GiB.

Although the prices of all the products are for Gigabytes, the smallest unit of a RAM or block storage product is actually Megabyte. 1GiB = 1024 MiB. It means that each range ends with a value: N * 1024 -1 MiB where N is the start value of the next range.

Defined “From Units” (GiB)

Derived range end

Effective range

Defined “From Units” (GiB)

Derived range end

Effective range


<1 GiB

512…1023 MiB


<3 GiB

1024…3071 MiB


applies to all bigger values

3072… MiB


  • The last price range of each product does not have the end value.

  • Prices are defined without VAT.

  • In the table there is a unit count: 1 CPU costs 0.007 and 3+ CPUs cost 0.01, it means that this price is always for 1 unit in the defined range.

It is not mandatory to have gradual prices. There could be only one price defined starting from the minimum possible value. In this case the price is working for all the resource counts the user can buy.

How to add new prices to the price list?

  1. There is always a DEFAULT price list that applies to all locations of the cloud provider if location-specific prices are not defined.

  2. New locations can be added if they are available

  3. Missing prices can be added from the bottom of the price list. For convenience estimated price per month is automatically calculated, with the average estimate that one month has 730 hours. This is the same calculation that shows estimated monthly resource prices for the end user.

Known caveats

  • Currently, though Object Storage does not have a location defined, it is advised to set the same Object Storage price for all locations. Only the DEFAULT location prices are actually used by the platform, but it would be less confusing to the user if the price is defined for all locations.

Special pricing rules

Floating IP

  • If there are prices set for both Unassigned floating IP and Assigned Floating IP, and if a particular IP had been both assigned and unassigned within 1-hour time frame, then it is charged by the price of “Unassigned floating IP” for that hour.

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