Referral Code feature/program

Referral Code feature/program

What is it?

When signing-up to cloud platform, every new user gets randomly generated unique referral code. This provides them opportunity to earn bonus credits to their billing account by sharing their unique referral code or link with friends or associates.

Any new user who signs up using a shared referral code is eligible for fixed amount of free credit.

The owner of the shared referral code also is rewarded with fixed amount of free credit.

The extra credit is added to both parties billing accounts after this new end-user payment method or required pre-payment is verified.

Referral code is case insensitive, so e.g "Cloud21" and "CLOUD21" are both valid when signing up.

Differences for billing schemes

There are minor specifics that should be accounted for:







When the credit is received:

After a successful top-up when additional conditions are satisfied

Upon verification of valid payment method

Additional conditions that need to be met:

Total of top-up amounts made must exceed a preconfigured threshold (see below)


How to setup/configure referral program?

The “Referral Program” section of Admin Settings page has option to turn the feature on and off as well as the amounts of rewarded credit for the promoter and newcomer user:



Configuration specific to pre-payment billing scheme

For a pre-payment billing accounts, a threshold parameter Receiver top up requirement can be used to set a minimum amount of top-ups that first needs to be bought by the user to get extra credit for using a referral code.

For example:

  • When threshold parameter is configured to be 0.0 €, then any successful top-up will unlock the extra credit.

  • When threshold parameter is set to 10.00 €, a user making 2 top-ups in amounts of 3 € and 7 € will get user the extra credit.

Note that total amount is calculated only for top-ups made on behalf of the particular billing account exercising the referral code.

How to use referral code?


  • End-user can find his/her unique referral code under Billing/Billing Account

    1. Referral Code: end-user can copy this code and share it wherever needed. New end-user can refer to this code in registration

    2. Referral URL: end-user can copy this URL and share it wherever needed. Through this link, new end-user gets to the registration page and referral code field is prefilled.

      Referral program on billing account details view
  • End-user can see under Billing/Billing Account their balance history and actions taken with the referral code.


  • Admin can view and change referral codes under Admin/Billing Accounts

    1. Shows if someone has used shared referral code during the sign-up

    2. Shows the referral code of the end-user. Admin can change referral code for specific billing account.


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