Attach and detach (custom) storage disks from VM's, API only

If needed here are the instructions for creating a standalone block storage disk from URL from custom image

Attach already existing disk to VM

curl  https://<api-hostname>/v1/user-resource/vm/storage/attach \
    -H 'apikey: [apikey]' \
    -X POST \
    -d "uuid=[VM_uuid]" \
    -d "storage_uuid=[storage_uuid]" \
    -d "billing_account_id=[billing_account_id]"

Detach disk from VM

curl  https://<api-hostname>/v1/user-resource/vm/storage/detach \
    -H 'apikey: [apikey]' \
    -X POST \
    -d "uuid=[VM_uuid]" \
    -d "storage_uuid=[storage_uuid]"

Detached disk will not be deleted and can be assigned to another VM

Boot disk can be detached from VM when VM is stopped from UI