VM images

VM images

What is it?

Settings page tab for managing publification of different VM images. For end-users, these images are used on Compute page. Description about different VM image properties is shown in edit image functionality. All VM images can be tested to work on the platform before they are published for public use.

VM images


Suitable VM image must be added to cloud provider CEPH Rados Block Device vm-images pool. Pool naming may differ between different providers. VM image naming convention is to use

Images on CEPH pool

Main Components:

Virtual Machine

VM base images used in Compute/Virtual Machine category.

App Catalog

VM base images used in Compute/App Catalog category.



Add New image:

Will add new image configuration to consul. If image with this name already exists, then new VM image creation fails and you should use modify image functionality.

Create new VM image


Special case: Adding a Windows image

Windows image name must contain ‘windows’. Otherwise they will be treated as Linux images and do not work properly.

E.g. Sevima GoFeeder image that is based on Windows should have Name as svmgofeeder_windows, Version as latest and a VM base image on Ceph called svmgofeeder_windows_latest.


Create new Windows VM image

Validate new image:

  1.  UI → After VM start, status of the VM is Running

  2. UI → Virtual Console → 

    1. username is the same as defined in VM creation

    2. password is the same as defined in VM creation

    3. VM has defined network and IP


Edit existing image:

Can add new versions for image and modify all properties of VM image, except the name. VM image name is stored as a key in consul and holds the configuration of the corresponding image.

Edit existing image

Change images order:

The topmost image is shown first in Compute/Create new Virtual Machine(App Catalog).

Change images order in UI

Frequently used OS & App icons

(to save as SVG, click on the icon and proceed with “download” button)






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