VM troubleshooting

VM troubleshooting

Booting VM in rescue mode

VM must be stopped before this routine.

When booted in rescue mode, a “live” boot image will be attached and used as a boot medium. You can then use the virtual console.


Starting VM in rescue mode via UI:

Starting VM in rescue mode is available via API call:

curl -X POST https://{{api-hostname}}/v1/user-resource/vm/rescue_start \ --header 'apikey: {{vm-owner-api-key}}' \ -d 'uuid={{vm-uuid}}'

* For a multi-site installation, the URL should include location identifier, e.g.:
Location identifier can be omitted for default location.


The rescue mode is enabled only for the current launch. Next time this VM is started it will follow a normal routine.

Notes on using rescue mode

Notes on using rescue mode

SystemRescue (link)

To enable SSH access to the rescue shell, perform next steps from Virtual Console in web UI:

  1. Set password for root:

  2. Add iptables rule:

    iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

For more details see SystemRescue documentation


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