Starting from release v.2.108 there is a new parameter to control the conditions for giving customer extra credit when referral code is used. This affects only setups exercising pre-payment billing scheme and only in scenario where a referral code is used (not the campaign code) .
Read more about the new configuration here https://warrenio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WARP/pages/251133953/Referral+Code+feature+program#Configuration-specific-to-pre-payment-billing-scheme
If you do not adjust your configuration after the new release is deployed, then no minimal required amount of topup will be set, but users will still have to make at least one top-up to be eligible for the referral code usage bonus credit.
If a non-zero parameter value is set and the customer using a referral code will not have topped up enough, then no extra credit is rewarded to the code promoter as well.