Business Related Questions

 What does the license model look like? 

Warren has a revenue share business model (80% for service provider 20% for Warren of total revenue generated through platform). For private installation we have a resource based pricing (vcpu, ram etc) approximately equal to the 20% revenue share. Price includes installation and maintenance/upgrades (though monthly minimum fee is agreed to cover setup costs within 6 months). Additional SLA fees may apply If very strict demands are put in place.

 Is there a preferred hardware list (Hardware Compatibility List)

Yes, up-to-date information on hardware related requirements can be obtained from the following link:  Warren Hardware Requirements

 Can we say is proven Technology (or build on proven technology)?

The statement that Warren is built on proven technology is definitely true. The former claim can be proven in upcoming years.

 Are there reference cases (beside that we can use?

Yes, commercial implementations of Warren are also:
1. IDCloudHost 

2. idROOT 

3. Acloud24