DC system administrators' role depends on the size of the DC and the nature and the complexity of the infrastructure, regional peculiarities, job description and other factors. In cooperation between the DC and Warren a strict distinction between a DC system administrator and Warren system support role can be made. It is important to note, that Warrens system support role differs from third party software support. Depending on the DC and installation requirements setting and defining the border needs to be discussed.
Please note with attention:
- The roles and responsibilities must be addressed thoroughly before a final settlement of adopting
- Warren.
- It is a clerical error to assume that supportability is a second-grade matter that can be addressed after set up of production grade systems.
- As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important parts of service provisioning so that it deserves a chapter in the development documentation!
- Complex software systems must be developed with efficient observability and support in mind.
Considerations and Goals in the Network Domain