The roles and responsibilities must be addressed thoroughly before a final settlement of adopting warren. It is a clerical error to assume that supportability is a second-grade matter that can be addressed after set up of production grade systems. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important parts of service provisioning so that it deserves a chapter in the development documentation! Complex software systems must be developed with efficient observability and support in mind.
Considerations and Goals in the Network Domain
There are several factors in DCs network setup that dictates what we need needs to think be thought through in the Warren application development process of Warren. Such factors include:
Network topology (tree, clos, fat-tree, thorus, etc)
This aspect defines network traffic between components, servers, racks also and network traffic between the DC and the internet. It sets DCs Network topology set physical extendability properties of the DC, thus, we need to consider:
How will the automated hardware discovery process will be handled?
What deployment schema to use should be used when implementing new nodes?
Which system components are involved in such discovery and deployment processes?
How the will any non-positive results of such cases will discovery and deployments be handled.
We are obviously not able to fine-tune our Warrens setup for every topology type because it's type of topology. Topology is not a standalone factor , so and the set of variables in such analysis is large and pre-analysis makes it too costly compared to the business-value of the expected outcome. But However we can target the solution that covers topologies mostly used in discovery and deployment solutions most widely used by DCs with a sufficient degree of quality. Metrics of service Service reliability and availability standards are something that metrics cannot theoretically be purely theoretically calculated in the a platform that is under continuous heavy development. Thus , they these metrics will rather be deduced from DCs adoption defined during the DC adoption and on-boarding process.
The current assumption is presumption is that the most widely used topologies in the probable Warrens target DC client group are fat-tree and various forms of clos. Based on that, most optimizations are made for the latter two topology types.these topology types.
Nature of applications and services offered by DC