Info |
Goals of the case studyTo specify information that needs to be exchanged between Warren and the client Data Center (DC), in order to decide whether fulfilling the requirements of DC is feasible by the current feature set of Warren. To gather all necessary data, that takes into account a wide variety of technical possibilities that will satisfy the service model and commercial goals of the DC. For Warren for the discovery of necessary required features for DC together with business value vs development effort estimates to provide maximum business value for the DC.
Table of Contents |
minLevel | 1 |
maxLevel | 7 |
exclude | Goals |
Necessary information from the Data Centre can be gathered with a set of simple, unambiguous questions that are divided into three subsets, based on the goal they are meant to achieve. Once answers to all subset questions are defined any ambiguity and misunderstanding over technical and determining factors will be cleared. The technical clarity achieved will be the fundamental premise to lay groundwork for a successful cooperation.